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Participant age now (years)
Participant sex
Participant race
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I think that I have felt that there are odd or unusual things going on that I can’t explain.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I think that I might be able to predict the future.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I may have felt that there could possibly be something interrupting or controlling my thoughts, feelings, or actions.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I have had the experience of doing something differently because of my superstitions.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I think I may get confused at times whether something I experience or perceive may be real or may be just part of my imagination or dreams.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I have thought that it might be possible that other people can read my mind, or that I can read others’ minds”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I wonder if people may be planning to hurt me or even may be about to hurt me.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I believe that I have special natural or supernatural gifts beyond my talents and natural strengths.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I think I might feel like my mind is “playing tricks” on me.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I have had the experience of hearing faint or clear sounds of people or a person mumbling or talking when there is no one near me.”
Extent to which participant agrees with the following statement: “I think that I may hear my own thoughts being said out loud.”

Copyright © 2020 by the University of Pennsylvania. PRIME Screen Copyright © 2004-2020 by Tandy J. Miller and Yale University.